Vermont Football Club
Junior Parent Eagletonians “PURPLE” Membership
Valued at over $400 this Membership Includes:
1 x Membership ticket access to all Home Games
1 x 10 drink card that can be used at the VFC bar
1 x $50 Wantirna Hill Club Food & Beverage Voucher & Membership Card, click here to sign up and receive / top up your Wantirna Hill Club membership
Two Match Day Luncheons (can include Ladies Lunch)
Invite to halftime food & drinks in Perry Fletcher Room
One Eagletonian lunch / dinner function
Weekly Newsletter
1 x Membership ticket access to all Home Games
1 x 10 drink card that can be used at the VFC bar
1 x $50 Wantirna Hill Club Food & Beverage Voucher & Membership Card, click here to sign up and receive / top up your Wantirna Hill Club membership
Two Match Day Luncheons (can include Ladies Lunch)
Invite to halftime food & drinks in Perry Fletcher Room
One Eagletonian lunch / dinner function
Weekly Newsletter